Children’s allergy education books
Why freddy
Meet Freddy & his friends
The Freddy the Mouse book series helps children aged 3 to 6 understand the topic of severe food allergy and anaphylaxis in a simple yet informative way, using character-based stories that capture children's imagination.
These charming, colourful short stories offer an invaluable introduction to severe allergy, and provide a useful framework to support discussions between adult and child.
Each page features a full size, colourful illustration taking you through each story, where Freddy meets a different character with a different allergy.
Freddy has become the perfect vehicle for delivering important, and delicate, messages in sensitive topics.
Trusted by professionals
Time-tested stories
Written, and illustrated, by a mother living with her young daughter’s severe nut allergy. After extensive research with schools, fellow allergy parents and The Anaphylaxis Campaign, the Freddy range of books was launched in 2010.
Freddy’s stories have been trusted and recommended since then, by parents, pre-school owners, teachers, health professionals... and of course, by children. 😀
Freddy the mouse books were featured in his conference presentation by Dr Adam Fox at The London Allergy Show.
Hospital-based allergy clinics continue to request copies and literature. Many libraries also carry stock.
What people say
"My little girl has suffered with 5 severe food allergies since birth and these books were an amazing find"
"I love the set! Great teaching tool!"
"These books are excellent! It is nice to read books with my son that relate to his allergy and how important it is to be careful - but in a non-scary way"
“Excellent books! We loaned one to my daughter’s nursery so it could be shared with all the children. We read it regularly to make her aware of the dangers”
“Love this book, essential reading 🙂”
“We love these! I donated a set to my daughter’s school”
Children's allergy books
The author
“What I really wanted was help communicating to my four year old what had happened to Abi, and what this meant for us going forward.
Using a character from my own childhood seemed the most natural route for me. Freddy and his friends have lived in family stories for over 30 years. When my daughters arrived, his adventures were brought to life once more. But when Abi was 15 months old she suffered an anaphylactic reaction and I found myself in a different universe, one where danger seemed to be everywhere. How to explain this to her big sister, and make sure she was on board, but not terrify her? Freddy was the perfect platform on which to stage a different type of story.
One meeting has stayed with me for over a decade. I was doing a show in London and met a young boy: fragile and translucent pale, he was wearing protective cotton gloves on his young hands. When he saw my Freddy stand, he rushed over. As he pulled a dog-eared copy of Freddy meets Nutmeg from his rucksack he excitedly asked me to sign it. “He takes Freddy everywhere he goes,” explained his mum. “It makes him feel good about himself.”
Children adore Freddy. I hope you will, too.”